Questions & Answers

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We have answers!

Yes, Scalp Micropigmentation does look natural! We use specialized pigments and equipment designed to replicate the appearance of your natural hair follicles. Our highly skilled artists color match the pigment to your existing hair and skin tone, tailoring the procedure to suit your desired outcome; density, shaven look or scar camouflage.

In most cases, 2-4 sessions are required to achieve optimal results with your SMP and desired look. We recommend 7-14 days between sessions to ensure your scalp has time to heal and will take to the next round of pigment as best as possible.

Your first two sessions are where we build the density, while the third session completes the feathering and definition aspect of the procedure. Should a fourth session be required, your artist will communicate this with you in your initial, free consultation, so there will be no surprises at the end!

It is possible that with time and sun exposure, the pigment can lighten slightly. It may be necessary to see us in the future for a touch-up, just to bring the appearance back to its original high standard. Sun exposure and skin type can have an effect on the time between touch-ups that may be required, but this can be a matter of years down the track. We can also touch up or add more density if you experience further hair loss in the future.

Following your SMP treatments, it is very important to take care of the treated area to ensure a successful long-term result. We recommend the use of a good-quality sunscreen and always wearing a hat while exposed to the sun. These small measures will help to ensure the appearance of your scalp and ensure your procedure stays looking as it was originally intended by your artist, protecting you from damaging UV rays that can interfere with the work.

We cannot guarantee you won’t feel a thing, as some areas of the scalp may be more sensitive than others. For example, you may feel the treatment more in the temple areas as opposed to the crown area. Most of our clients remark that although they feel some discomfort during the SMP process, it is certainly bearable .
